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Kainos Events
Registration required to access some Zoom meetings. Visit our website for event descriptions.

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Fireside Chat
Natalie and Kevin host
Facebook, Youtube, Zoom
Breaking for July

Heart to Heart
with Natalie & Kevin
Facebook, Youtube
Breaking for July

Kevin Messerschmidt
John 21
Facebook, Youtube
Wed 7/3 > 1pm

Zoom Bible Intensive
Genesis to Revelation
Every Tue > Noon

Anchor Runners
Zoom: contact Denise
Thu 7/18 > 9:30am
2 Cor 4:17: Glory Through Afflictions
Denise DelMonte

Mon 7/22 > 6:30pm
Care and Share

Projects in Progress
Monday July 8 > 11am
Contact Kim Gifford

Abba's Diamonds
Fridays > 1pm
Contact Heidi Amador

Case Supervision
Closed Zoom Group
Breaking for July

Women's Bible Study
5 Tammie Ann Dr
East Hampton, CT
Contact Lynn
2nd & 4th Fri > noon

Made Complete in Christ
1 on 1 or Group Discipleship
Contact Angela

Our YouTube channel

Our Facebook Live channel

Regional Events

Family Life
Weekend To Remember

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Million Women March
The Mall Washington, DC
Contact Bonnie 508-335-5273
Saturday 10/12 > 9am-6pm

Women's Bible Study
Zoom ID 6039038648
Pwd Freedom
Open discussion group
Contact Cindy Wallace
Every Monday > 8am

Helping Hands Outreach
Norwalk, CT
Making lunch Saturdays,
Outreach every Sunday AM

Contact Marilyn

Men's Bible Study
Saturdays at 9am
Outside Galley restaurant
Norwalk Cove Marina
All men welcome!
Contact Wayne 475-422-1468

Partner with us!
Whether on the front lines or behind the scenes, we all share in the blessings of Kingdom advancement because of partnership. Consider participating with this ministry through a monthly donation, your gifts and talents, or prayer.
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Meeting cancellations will be posted on Facebook.

Kainos would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Urban Alliance in East Hartford, CT. They awarded us a grant for a new camera to expand our creative capacity through photo and video as well as collaborating to provide content to other ministries we partner with. The photo above is an example! Urban Alliance is an amazing organization who also provides many supplies for our outreach program as well as providing training for our volunteers in many areas, and we are thankful for their faithful collaboration.

CALLING A MILLION ESTHERS AND MORDECAIS to join Lou Engle and Jenny Donnelly and others to stand and pray on the Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur for the purification of America!

Saturday, October 12, 2024
at the Mall in Washington, DC near the US Capitol

Find information at dontmesswithourkids.us or amillionwomen.org.
Download the app hervoicemvmt on Apple or Android to sign up, use the prayer guide, etc. Buses are going from New England - contact Bonnie at 508-335-5273 for more details ($100 round trip).

Don't Give Up
by Denise DelMonte

This is for all God's people,
thinking their life is empty and dry,
Don't give up but remember He's faithful and just,
He'll see you through to the end.

This is for all God's weeping mothers,
feeling like they've failed at parenting,
Don't give up but stand strong and wait,
The story is still to unfold.

This is for all the Lord's daughters,
whose hearts are wounded in pain
Don't give up but know there is healing in His wings
That your heart will beat once again.

This is for the Lord's undecided,
trying to find out His will and plan,
Don't give up but lean heavily on His grace
He'll instruct and teach you every step of the way.

Because He loves you so,
You are His for all to know
Brightly, even when you don't know.
A diamond in the rough
Shining Let Him shine, shine, shine.


For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. 1Pe 2:25
John 21 is a beautiful ending to John's gospel that underscores God's desire to bind the brokenhearted and reinstate those who have disqualified themselves. In this chapter we see the good shepherd going after the one wandering sheep. Every gospel writer mentions how Peter denied Jesus three times, but only John shows Jesus pursuing Peter in his shame just as God pursued Adam and Eve in their shame.
I believe Peter was not around when Jesus showed himself to his disciples in John 20. Mark and Luke paint a picture. In Mark 16:7 an angel tells Mary to "tell his disciples, and Peter," to go to Galilee. Why would the angel single Peter out if he were with the others? In Luke 24:12 (ESV) "Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home marveling at what had happened." Peter went home. "The disciples" in 20:19 did not include Peter who had left for home from the tomb to think things over and wrestle with his disappointment of abandoning Jesus. What's worse, chapter 20 ends with what looks like the end of the story! But now it was Peter's turn to see Him, and a whole addendum chapter is devoted to how much Jesus cares about the humanity He participated in. Jesus wanted to include ALL the disciples He had chosen, even those that doubted or disqualified themselves.
Peter left. Peter gave up. He disowned Jesus three times. Now in his shame and the shock of what looks like a story that ends with an empty tomb, he abandons everything and goes back to work. I believe John and the others are with Peter on the beach not just to hang out but to encourage him and convince him not to give up on his calling. Seven are present: Peter, James and John, Thomas to whom Jesus went out of His way to appear, Nathanael, and two more disciples. Maybe the other two are Peter's brother Andrew and Philip who sought out Nathanael in chapter 1. Or maybe John doesn't care as long as there are seven. Peter consoles himself doing what he knew how to do well. "I'm going fishing" (21:3). But the others wouldn't give up on their friend. "We'll go with you."
The number three represents divine wholeness, completeness, and perfection, and there are lots of threes in chapters 18-21.
  • Peter's three denials.
  • Jesus is before three questioners: Annas, Caiaphas, and Pilate.
  • Three times Pilate declares Jesus innocent.
  • Pilate's inscription was in three languages.
  • There are three crosses, and three Marys at the cross of Jesus.
  • Jesus speaks three times while on the cross.
  • There are three witnesses on the third day, John, Peter, Mary, and Peter was the one who didn't believe.
  • Mary said three times that she didn't know where Jesus was.
  • Three times Jesus says "Peace be with you".
  • Verse 14 says this is the third time Jesus was revealed (once the night of the resurrection, once a week later to Thomas, and now to Peter).
  • Peter reinstated three times.
Jesus does His "fish miracle", and they remembered the scene from three years ago (Luke 5). "When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment, for he was stripped for work, and threw himself into the sea." (John 21:7) Boy does that stand out! Why did he put on his outer garment to swim? Perhaps the outer garment represents something more than just clothing. This outer garment (Greek ependytes) has linguistic connections to the priestly garment of Lev 8:7 (Septuagint hypodyten) and the robe of Aaron's consecration. Mt 14:28 records Peter being called out onto the water. Is Peter testing the waters again? I wonder if he put his garment on because he thought he would run on the waves but when he sank it would look to the others as if Peter "threw himself into the sea". Did Peter throw himself back into his calling as disciple? I have so many questions about this one verse!
This miraculous catch of fish has similarities to Luke 5. Both stories take place on the Sea of Galilee. Peter, James and John are present. They catch nothing all night. Peter responds with obedience. There's a fish miracle. Jesus says to follow him and they will catch men (see Matt 4:19). Peter leaves everything and follows him. In the first event Peter is invited to the call. In the second event, Jesus reminds Peter, the one who believed in him enough to call him out on the waves, that He never gave up on him. The invitation is still there. In Lk 5:6 the nets break, but this time the nets do not break (21:11). This time Peter will follow Jesus to the end (Jn 21:19).
The number 153 is so specific one can't help but think John meant something by it. The emphasis of Luke 5 was evangelism. In Ezekiel 47:7-12, Ezkiel was shown a vision of water flowing from the temple forming a river to the Dead Sea which even today is devoid of life. "There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live." This is a parallel to Rev 22:1-2 and echoes John's gospel message: where the river of life flows, the dead come alive! In Jn 7:38. Jesus said "Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." John uses "rivers" as a nod back to Eden where four rivers flowed from the mountain (the presence of God) and watered lands speaking of the expansion of God's Kingdom. His glory would eventually fill the earth "as the waters cover the sea" (Isa 11:9, Hab 2:14). Ezekiel 47 also parallels Revelation's river of life, and John's account of the feast where Jesus said rivers of living water would flow from with. There were 153 nations known at that time. This is an affirmation of the evangelistic call of John 21. (There is more about this idea here.)
Jesus tests the waters too. When Jesus reinstates Peter, the question is not "are you faithful" but "do you love me?" He reinstates friendship during betrayal and commission during abandonment. Even in our shame and embarrassment, God is seen as the Shepherd who goes after the one who wanders. He never turned away any who came to Him and even Peter who would give up on coming to him he pursued. The same Father who pursued his children Israel for 1200 years under the Law continues to pursue.
In Luk 22:32, Jesus prays for Simon that his faith may not fail, and adds "WHEN you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." That had to be about this story. There is no IF in Jesus's mind because on the beach three years ago He saw something in Peter to call Him as a disciple. He will now become the Rock and official spokesman of Pentecost that will begin the harvest of souls! God will not allow even your self-disqualifying shame to get in the way of His glory being revealed through you. You are called to be His, and He believes in you!

By Kevin Messerschmidt

Here are some items we are promoting!

Rob Stoppard: Walking In Divine Wisdom: Timeless Insights For Troubling Times
Rob has been a good friend of Kainos and member of our board for years. He has written a book on wisdom and you can find it on Amazon!

Joan von Hardenberg: As Night Gathers
Joan is Natalie's mom. We helped her fulfill her lifelong dream of publishing her poetry.

Check out the Kainos Store for art from both Lorraine Conderino and Kevin Messerschmidt! You'll also find Kevin's atmospheric soaking music.


Kainos Prayer Chain: Steve and Angela Tuers are running our prayer chain. If you have a prayer need and want to place it on the prayer chain, please send an email to KLMprayerchain@gmail.com with the subject line: KAINOS PRAYER CHAIN. Please follow up on your requests with praises or updates so the team knows when it's been fully answered!

(860) 365-8504

Kainos Life Ministries
11 Connemara Drive
Chichester, NH 03258


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